Quality & certification.

high quality

A pioneer for over 30 years, QNT pays particular attention to the quality of its products. As a result, all our products are created and manufactured using high-quality ingredients, whether proteins (from animal or vegetable sources), carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, plant extracts, other active substances, etc.

All QNT product ranges are manufactured in Europe, in accordance with the very strict regulatory standards set for the production of nutritional supplements, in certified facilities such as :


- GMP 

- GMO free 

- ISO9001 

- ISO22000


To achieve perfect consistency, we control the various stages of production from start to finish. In addition to the precision of our formulations, the selection of the right ingredients and the control of our production lines, we believe there are many other factors that are essential to guaranteeing consistent quality, such as efficient logistics and optimum traceability. All our products are registered with the Belgian Ministry of Health, and comply with European standards.

Concerned about the health and well-being of consumers, QNT provides valuable advice on its website about the wellness, weight control and sports nutrition products best suited to your needs and objectives, while recommending that you consult a health professional or nutritionist in the event of a health problem or to obtain more precise information.

In conclusion, we are constantly working on optimising our quality management system, so that we can keep our promises to you, our customers, and continue to earn and deserve your trust!