Author: "Yves Bondroit"

  • Oatmeal Breakfast

    Oatmeal Breakfast

    Would you like to know the secret of being fit in the morning? Try these delicious oatmeal flakes rich in protein. This vitamin and nutrient boost will help you start your day on top. 

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  • How to manage the loss of libido?

    How to manage the loss of libido?

    Has your libido been at half-mast lately? Your hormones and your daily life surely play a major role in this drop in desire. You will discover here our advice to face this lack of libido and manage it as well as possible.

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  • King’s Cake protein

    King’s Cake protein

    With Christmas and New Year's Eve over, let's give way to another festive tradition; the Galette des Rois. A cake that leaves no one indifferent and that puts all the taste buds in agreement. 

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  • Common mistakes to avoid.

    Common mistakes to avoid.

    Try to vary your food, to bring different sources of protein and carbohydrates to your body. When you stop cutting and your body stops moving, it's time to change your diet.

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  • Ideas for dishes.

    Ideas for dishes.

    When you have the feeling that your stomach is never full with your diet, that you're always hungry, konjac is an interesting solution. This food comes from a plant grown in Asia and found here in the form of 0% rice or 0% pasta. It makes it possible to increase the volume of your meal without adding many calories. Konjac contains 3 calories per 100 grams.

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  • Necessary food supplements and vitamins.

    Necessary food supplements and vitamins.

    Many supplements can help you when you want to do cutting. However, always pay close attention to their calorie content. You'll need to take this into account in your diet. Also check whether they contain fast sugars, in which case they should be avoided (except after training, of course).

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  • Training programme.

    Training programme.

    Is it fair to say that training during a lean period is different from training during a bulking period? Basically, when you're bulking, you want to gain as much muscle as possible and put on as little fat as possible. During a dry period, you're also looking to gain, or rather not lose, muscle.

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  • Protein white flakes balls

    Protein white flakes balls

    The holidays season is over and you have enjoyed your Christmas and New Year's meals. How to recover well after the little (big) gap of the end of the year?

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  • Flourless protein cookies

    Flourless protein cookies

    Aaah cookies... who doesn't love them? Well, with our protein recipe, you won't be able to do without them! These delicious biscuits rich in proteins will satisfy all your little hungers.

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  • Christmas vanilla ginger pudding

    Christmas vanilla ginger pudding

    Celebrate Christmas the Anglo-Saxon way with the famous "Christmas pudding".

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  • Protein eggnog

    Protein eggnog

    Have you ever heard of the famous eggnog? In the United States, it is THE ideal Christmas drink. There is no way to celebrate Christmas Eve without this famous cocktail. 

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  • Protein chocolate chips protein cookies

    Protein chocolate chips protein cookies

    As a child you used to leave a few cookies with a small glass of milk to Santa Claus? And why not keep this tradition while adding a pinch of protein for even more gourmet and healthy cookies. 

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Showing 145 to 156 of 242 (21 Pages)
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