9 good reasons to do sport.

Sometimes, the desire to exercise isn't always there. And even though as summer approaches, we always tell ourselves that this year will finally be the one to get back into it, it can be hard to leave the comfort of home to go train. Yet, even with minimal effort, exercise can greatly improve your quality of life in many ways.

The following 9 reasons should provide you with the necessary motivation to get back into the groove !

1. Being healthy!

Exercise is excellent for reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems, osteoporosis, and breast cancer.

Regular physical activity also helps prevent health issues such as strokes, metabolic problems, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and depression, which unfortunately affect more women.

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2. Sport for beautiful skin.

With cardio: Cardio exercises promote the elimination of toxins from the body and recharge our cells with minerals and nutrients.

With fitness: Pilates, in particular, help improve flexibility and importantly, oxygenate the cells of your skin.

Yoga: Inverted postures help give you a healthy glow.

These sports that boost your heart and sweating will give you a dreamy complexion !

3. Sport protects your brain.

Exercise plays a role in your brain by improving oxygenation. It releases dopamine (the pleasure hormone but also crucial for motivation and attention!). It also helps prevent neurological degeneration.

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4. Control or lose weight.

It's evident, exercising helps you control your weight. Exercise is essential against overweight and obesity.

How? When you work out, you burn calories. And the higher the intensity of the activity, the more calories you burn. We recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise per day.

If your goal is weight loss, you'll need to train more or consider using dietary supplements.

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5. Boost your energy level.

Engaging in physical activity increases your energy levels.

It improves your endurance. Through exercise, you oxygenate your heart more, which allows your cardiovascular system to work more efficiently. And if your heart and lungs function better, your energy will be multiplied!

6. Muscle gain.

Strength training will be your best ally in increasing your muscle mass when combined with proper nutrition and the right dietary supplements.

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7. Better sleep quality !

Engaging in physical activity improves sleep. Regular exercise helps you fall asleep faster and enjoy more restorative sleep.

8. Improve your intimate life.

Physical activity gives you more energy and has a real positive effect on your sex life.

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9. A fulfilling pregnancy.

According to serious scientific studies, engaging in gentle physical activity with your doctor's approval will help improve your psychological and physical well-being for both you and your future baby!

Exercise will help you:

· Improve your breathing

· Reduce your stress

· Lower the risks of cesarean delivery

Contrary to some misconceptions, exercise proves to be very beneficial for your pregnancy. It is even said to help prevent the infamous baby blues!

Take pleasure.

Physical exercise should always be a source of good moments.

It gives you the opportunity to do what you love or simply relax. Exercising alone or with friends is a true source of satisfaction. Exercise should be a part of your daily routine.

As a bonus, exercise puts you in a good mood!

By stimulating various brain chemicals, it makes us calmer, less stressed, and happier.

And icing on the cake, it boosts our self-confidence !

Let's move!

In 2021, it's time to take care of yourself! Finally, go sign up at that gym you've been eyeing for a while or take online classes, COVID obliges. Dare to do it !

Posted in: Our tips

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