About us.


Our goal is to offer high performance products combined with support from experts to help you be the best version of yourself.

We want to be a coach for all, a coach who helps you reach your goals. We are convinced that your ideal shape is already within you. Our goal is to support you in this process, by helping you overcome obstacles that prevent you from completely fulfilling yourself.


Our priorities.

The quality of the products we offer is the most important thing to us. We do our best to offer high quality products and to make them easy to reach. To achieve this we collaborate with many partners and we deliver our products from our website throughout Europe. Our six worldwide offices help us get closer to our goal.

Our products are chosen with care for their quality, their efficiency and their taste. They are custom-made according to the market on which they are sold: we adapt their taste, their flavor, their container and their packaging. We are particularly keen to have our products tested and approved by the founder of our business before they are put up for sale.

The founder of our group and his sons who ensure continuity are at the center of QNT’s world even today. No decision has been made without their approval for more than 30 years now. At QNT the family circle is very important as well as our Belgian roots. For this reason, all our products are Belgium certified.





Emerging directly from our innovation workshops, Metapure is far more than just a product line. It symbolizes our dedication to meeting the specific and rigorous demands of elite athletes. Metapure represents our expertise, a perfect blend of efficacy and quality, providing the very best in sports nutrition.


The products from the Move Range best reflect the determination and motivation we want to transmit to our community. They are made for people with a regular sports activity who wish to improve their performance and their body.


We think that it is essential for everyone to have a well-groomed appearance and to feel good and healthy. That is why we created a range entirely dedicated to this lifestyle. It was designed to meet the needs of the people who are not interested in the effects of products like Metapure or Move, but who would like to improve their protein intake, to boost their metabolism or to gain or lose weight. The kind of people who are looking for easy products that they can as easily take away during their day.


The Skinny range focuses on women. It has products that will help them reach their goal such as losing weight, getting a flat stomach, smoother skin or getting rid of water retention or cellulite. The objective is to make them feel better.


Whether you like sports or not it is essential to remain healthy and to make up for the body’s shortcomings. This is the aim of the Care range: through food supplement, bringing all the vitamins and minerals needed for the organism’s proper functioning.

+3,9 Protein milkshakes sold every 5 seconds

+27 Millions Protein milkshakes sold in 2024


Our DNA.

We work with experts chosen with care, by making sure that they share our values, like health and body care. We have a large community including our employees, our ambassadors, our suppliers and our partners which put together are at the heart of our brand, our DNA.

We focus on building a more inclusive and more diverse community. We are proud to employ more than 100 people and to have mostly women as heads of important positions.

+100 Employees

+50 Ambassadors

The Founder.

Over 30 years ago, a simple passion for sports sparked a global movement. Fabien Debecq, a high-level athlete and founder of QNT, felt the need for high-quality protein products to fuel his dedication to sport. Faced with a lack of such products on the European market, he took matters into his own hands.

In the privacy of his personal workspace, with unwavering determination, Fabien laid the groundwork for what would become QNT. Driven by a desire to assist other athletes in their quest for high-quality nutrition, he sought not only to meet his personal need but envisioned a solution for all.

Today, QNT extends far beyond this humble beginning. QNT products are now sold worldwide, reaching far beyond the realm of high-level sports. They cater to a wider audience, people from all walks of life who acknowledge the importance of quality nutrition in their pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. What started as a personal commitment has become a true revolution in sports nutrition and wellness, positioning QNT as a global leader.

Our Contribution.

It is our greatest pleasure to support our regional athletes and to see them reach their goal. That’s why we are one of the biggest sponsors of Charleroi’s football club. We are proud of their journey and to be supporting them from the start.

Our Certifications.

Our certifications reflect how we perceive the quality we propose through our services, our products and how we handle our production.