Author: "Yves Bondroit"

  • Christmas Protein truffles

    Christmas Protein truffles

    Christmas Eve is coming. Ho ho ho! Which means sweets and calories are adding up. And why not opt for a high-protein Christmas to treat yourself without feeling too guilty? 

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    Would you like a healthy and tasty brownie? As we all know, the brownie is a real calorie bomb. Between sugar and butter, it is the number one enemy of dietetics. But how to resist it?  

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  • Gourmet salad for better training

    Gourmet salad for better training

    Want to get the most out of your training so you can reach your goals? What if we told you that food is the best medicine? It gives you all the energy you need to perform better.

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  • Turn lockdown into a springboard to achieve your goals.

    Turn lockdown into a springboard to achieve your goals.

    On October 30, Belgium announced a six-week lockdown, which led to the closure of many establishments, including gyms. A complicated situation where doing sports is a real challenge. However, if staying at home becomes an obligation, there is no question of letting yourself go and abandoning your objectives. And why not take advantage of this free time to take even better care of yourself and your body and break your bad habits. It is important for our health to exercise and to take a moment...

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  • Homemade Snickers with Casein protein

    Homemade Snickers with Casein protein

    Are you a die-hard fan of the famous Snickers chocolate bars? But you want to watch your calories? What if we told you that it is possible to combine slimming and pleasure? 

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  • Protein Ice-cream monsters

    Protein Ice-cream monsters

    It's almost October 31st, and as you know, Halloween means spells and treats. So for the occasion, delight and frighten your guests with our protein recipe: Protein ice-cream Monsters. 

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  • Oat brain protein Light Digest Belgian Chocolate

    Oat brain protein Light Digest Belgian Chocolate

    It's Halloween and you don't know what to prepare for the occasion? And why not celebrating this holiday with the most terrifying dessert? 

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  • BLEEDING demon protein eyes

    BLEEDING demon protein eyes

    This is it, it’s that time of the year! The one everyone is waiting for, Halloween parties of course! So put on your costume and let's get cooking! 

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  • Pain Keto QNT

    Pain Keto QNT

    Following a ketogenic diet can be fun! Try this Keto bread: low in calories, it will still fill you up for hours!

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  • Protein Pudding Vanilla

    Protein Pudding Vanilla

    This summer protein pudding is gluten free, light to taste and refreshing for summer.

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  • Coconut Whey Water

    Coconut Whey Water

    Whey can be fun and summerish looking!   Try this protein coco water, it is perfect to prepare for summer weekend party! 

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  • Back to school: our 6 tips for getting back into shape.

    Back to school: our 6 tips for getting back into shape.

    For the past few months, you have been adjusting to living with covid. The social distancing measures may have caused you to move less and go out of your house. As a result, you have given up sports and gained some weight. Next week is already back to school. So it's time to make the right decisions and lose those extra pounds. Here are our 6 tips to get back into shape and start the new school year.

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Showing 157 to 168 of 242 (21 Pages)
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