Author: "Yves Bondroit"

  • How to train for power?

    How to train for power?

    Power is the ability to do the heaviest task possible in a minimum of time and with maximum speed. This may sound difficult, but it is a rather pleasant program to execute. Training for power is not really advisable for beginners because it requires trained abs to provide a good sheathing but also a good technique. Potential errors are paid cash: poor technique, fragility due to poor nutrition, lack of sleep or lack of concentration and an accident is here. This means a tear, dislocation or...

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  • How to keep in shape this summer?

    How to keep in shape this summer?

    How to keep in shape this summer? This is THE question that everyone asks before the holidays. Men wonder how to lose unsightly bulges in the abdomen area and women instead focus on their buttocks. Everyone likes to be to their advantage on the beach and likes to attract positive looks on their physique. The big problem is that this question is raised in June when it should have been asked in September of the year before. Indeed, losing fat takes time, and making excesses usually pays off...

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  • Summerish Vanilla Chia Pudding topped with berries ice cream

    Summerish Vanilla Chia Pudding topped with berries ice cream

    This chia seed pudding is easy to make, super healthy, and made to be enjoyed on warm summer days!

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  • White protein hit balls

    White protein hit balls

    Crispy and healthy protein dessert hit balls.

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  • Transient fatigue or overtraining?

    Transient fatigue or overtraining?

    When you train intensively, you do not always have the same energy or the same desire to train. It happens that the training of the day could be postponed tomorrow ... Nevertheless, it is strongly advised to the athlete who wants results not to listen to this little voice that pushes him to agree some respite for a certain reason. On the other hand, the inten-sity of everyday training can sometimes lead to overtraining. At this time, it is advisable to go easy. How can we tell the difference...

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  • Mango-Cherry Slushy

    Mango-Cherry Slushy

    A refreshing summer treat you will become obsessed with in the summer.

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  • The training of high level athletes.

    The training of high level athletes.

    Each sport requires different skills but, currently, to reach high levels, it is essential to have a good physical condition. It is quite obvious in sports such as football and rugby or athletics, but it is also valid in motorsports or even scuba diving.

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  • Healthy cottage cheese dessert

    Healthy cottage cheese dessert

    How to turn your banal cottage cheese into an innovative culinary experience?  You should then try these healthy dessert made with cottage cheese and QNT's Dessert Protein pudding.

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  • Exercise in case of injury?

    Exercise in case of injury?

    For any athlete, an injury is a kind of a disaster ... It is for them a synonym for stagnation or even regression. However it is possible to limit the damage, provided, of course, to always stay attentive to the pain, the sensation that exists to inform you to slow down or to provide damage to greater extent.

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  • Healthy Chocolate Pancakes

    Healthy Chocolate Pancakes

    Making healthy, light chocolate pancakes is at the reach of anybody, provided one has the will and right ingredients at hand! 

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  • The best exercice !

    The best exercice !

    Anyone who has ever been to a gym once asked himself the question: What is the best exercise for an effective training? The goal here is not to choose and train with the best one, but to realize what makes an exercise effective.

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  • Weights, machines or bars?

    Weights, machines or bars?

    This is a question asked many times: What works best? Weights, machines or bars? Let's try now to highlight the advantages of each way of working.

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Showing 253 to 264 of 270 (23 Pages)
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