It's summer, you've chosen to indulge in lazy days on the beach, basking in the sun? What a beautiful picture, but why not take advantage of it to include some musculation exercises in the program?
Whether you choose to chain exercises or do only two or three, always remember to warm up before and after the effort. Also remember to stay well hydrated, especially if you're practicing in the sun. You can opt for drinks with L-Carnitine or BCAA, which promote energy production and help muscles during exercise.
Joining business with pleasure won't hurt. In fact, these exercises do not require any equipment and can easily be done on the beach, with your feet in the sand. Convinced? Let's go!

The Air Squat
This fitness and musculation exercise is very complete since in addition to using all the muscles in your legs, it is a good way to burn calories and thus, have a more athletic body at the end.
For the movements to recreate, start by standing with your feet positioned shoulder-width apart and your toes facing out. Then bend your legs, keep your buttocks back and your knees straight.
To gain stability and balance, remember to keep your back straight and your abs tight. Also, raise your arms in front of you and draw energy for the pull-up on your heels.
The jumping jack
The jumping jack tones the body and easily builds muscle in the shoulders and calves. Since it also doesn't require any equipment, you can do it on the beach in between swimming sessions.
To perform the exercise, start by standing while keeping your arms at your sides and feet together. Then spread your feet apart so that it is a few inches wider than your shoulders and raise your arms above your head.
Roll your arms up as if you are making a circle and keep them straight to get maximum use out of your arm and shoulder muscles. Return to the starting position and then repeat the movement.
The sumo squat
This exercise is perfect for strengthening the muscles of the thighs, glutes and adductors. In just a few moves, you'll sculpt a nice figure and tone your muscles in the process.
For the exercise, return to the classic squat position, but make sure to spread your feet beyond shoulder width and the tips of your feet outward.
Then start bending your legs, keeping your back straight, knees right side up, and buttocks back. Push back up through your heels and remember to contract your abs and keep your head upright throughout the exercise.
The Pistol squat
The Pistol squat, on the other hand, works the leg muscles and builds muscle mass or volume quickly.
The starting position is to stand on one foot. The idea is to provide unilateral work and to do this, you need to manage to stand on one leg. Then bring your hips down to knee level, keeping one foot on the ground and the other leg in the air.
The heel of the foot you're standing on should stay stuck to the ground. Also remember that the other leg should stay straight and the arms should stay in the air to gain stability. During the exercise, keep your abs contracted.
Front Lunges
The lunges helps tone the body, slim it down and most importantly, work the glutes and thighs. Since the moves are fairly simple to do, you can easily replicate them at the beach.
To do this, start by standing with your legs slightly apart, a little less than shoulder width apart. Then put your hands on your hips and take a step forward, leaning on your front leg, which should be at a 90-degree angle. Lift the heel of your back leg so that your weight is supported by your leg and also, to gain stability. Then return to the initial position by pushing with the strength of your front leg.
During the exercise, the back should remain straight, the knee should not go beyond the toes and the support should always be on the heel of the front leg.
What pleases with the idea of doing your exercises at the beach, is that you can then cool off directly in the sea!