To make these little PB & Jelly cups, all you will need are 5 ingredients and you’ll be on the road to pure gastronomic heaven! The secret ingredient here is QNT’s Metapure Whey Protein Isolate (Belgian chocolate), which will make the experience even more healthy and delicious!

30 Minutes


for 1 person


Step 1: Melt chocolate in a bain-marie or in the microwave.

Step 2: Line a muffin tray with cupcake cases and pour half of the melted chocolate in each case (approximately 0.5 cm high). Put into the freezer to set for 5 - 10 minutes until solid.

Step 3: In a bowl, mix peanut butter, Metapure Whey Protein Isolate and water until mixture becomes smooth.

Step 4: Remove cups from the freezer and add a small spoonful of peanut butter into each case.

Step 5: Place a small spoonful of mashed raspberries on half of the cups, and a slice of banana on the other half (or combine if you like!). Use the remaining melted chocolate as topping.

Step 6: Put the cups back into the freezer and allow to set for 10-15 minutes.

Step 7: Remove from the freezer and store in a cool dark place. Cups are ready.

Step 8: Enjoy!

Posted in: Recipes

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