Can the product "Waterless" be harmful to the kidneys ?

The product "Waterless" by QNT is designed to help reduce water retention, which can be beneficial for improving muscle definition and reducing bloating. However, like any diuretic or supplement designed to influence the body's water balance, it can have effects on the kidneys, especially if used improperly or in the presence of certain medical conditions. Here are some important considerations:

This can be problematic for people with a history of kidney disease or reduced kidney function.

If you are taking medications for kidney problems or other medical conditions, diuretics can interact with these medications, affecting their effectiveness and kidney health. It is crucial to consult a doctor before starting to use "Waterless".

People with kidney disease, kidney failure, or other medical conditions affecting the kidneys should avoid diuretics or use them only under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Ensure you drink enough water to compensate for fluid loss and avoid dehydration.

"Waterless" can be beneficial for reducing water retention, but caution is needed in cases of excessive or prolonged use. A prior medical consultation is essential to ensure that this product is safe and appropriate for your specific needs.